In the modern world the main role is played by such characteristics as: durability, reliability, durability. Metal structures have all the above qualities, and in addition to many other advantages. Therefore, metal structures and products are considered the most popular and used in various fields.
About us

We offer professional support at all stages of construction of objects from metal structures

You will receive a turnkey prefabricated building kit based on 100% bolted connection anywhere in the world

We produce complete sets of buildings in our own factory or through a network of international partners

We deliver a ready-made complete set of pre-fabricated buildings from the factory to anywhere in the world by land, rail or air

We offer services of land and foundation works, regardless of the complexity of the soil

We offer services through a network of partners for delivery, installation of metal structures, pouring foundations and floors

- Odessa, Ukraine

- Odessa, Ukraine

- 100 000 sq.m
- 24 month
- Odessa, Ukraine

- 145 sq.m
- Odessa, Ukraine

- 9 sq.m
- Odessa, Ukraine

- Odessa, Ukraine

- 400 sq.m
- Odessa, Ukraine

- 600 sq.m
- Киев, Украина

- 45
- Odessa, Ukraine